[ubuntu-uk] Searching for a Killer App

Anders Jacobsen andersja+lists-ubuntu-uk at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 10:55:40 BST 2007

Google says:

Scribus does not support importing Microsoft Publisher documents. There are
no current plans to add support for it. The reasons are here: FAQ-Importing
FAQ <http://www.scribus.net/index.php?name=FAQ&id_cat=3#q19>

You may be able to import an approximation of the document by following this

   - Open your document in Publisher
   - Go to menu Edit --> Select All (Ctrl+A)
   - Go to menu Edit --> Copy (Ctrl+C)
   - Open Microsoft Word
   - Go to menu Edit --> Paste (Ctrl+V)
   - Save your Word document (eg. file.doc)
   - Open it in OpenOffice
   - In OpenOffice go to File --> Save as in OpenOffice Writer format
   (eg. file.sxw)
   - In OpenOffice with sxw file go to File --> Save as in OpenOffice
   Draw format (eg. file.sxd)
   - In Scribus File --> Import --> OpenOffice Draw file

Alternately, it may be better to export the plain text content from the
Publisher document (you can use MS Word to save it as plain text, or you can
use OO.o to open a word doc and save an OO.o doc so Scribus can preserve
some of the text formatting), then recreate the document from that and the
images used in the original.

There are also some "Publisher to
Scribus"<http://anne.julienne.org/P2S/Pub2Scribus.pdf>tutorials with
tips on how to reproduce BorderArt and Clip Art when
switching from Publisher to Scribus.

On 6/17/07, Ian Pascoe <softy.lofty.ilp at btinternet.com> wrote:
> I presume that there isn't a Scribus add-in that allows for direct import
> of
> FP files circumnavigating  the need for all this file format changing?
> Addmitedly I've done a quick Google and can't find anything.
> E
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ubuntu-uk-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
> [mailto:ubuntu-uk-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com]On Behalf Of Rob Beard
> Sent: 14 June 2007 21:09
> To: British Ubuntu Talk
> Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] Searching for a Killer App
> Matthew Macdonald-Wallace wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I've managed to convince my parents that Ubuntu is for them (My mum just
> got a new laptop with Vista and Office 2007 and thinks that it is
> completely
> unintuitive!) however there is one issue.
> >
> > They use Microsoft Publisher.
> >
> > Whilst there are many tools out there that will act as a replacement, I
> am
> unable to find a program that will load and save MS Pub files.
> >
> > Can anyone help?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > M.
> > --
> I'm not sure if this will help but could they run Publisher and OOo or
> Scribus on Windows and select everything on the page, copy it and paste
> it into OOo?
> Other than that, they could try using something like PDF Creator on
> Windows which as far as I know will export into EPS/PS format.  Even if
> it doesn't, you should be able to use something like pdf2ps to convert
> the document into PS format which can then be imported (hopefully) into
> Scribus and then copied and pasted into OOo.
> I think PDF creator also has the option to create PNG/JPG/BMP/TIF etc
> files, so if all else fails they could get the whole page as an image
> which can easily be imported into OOo.
> I went down the PDF2PS route the other day.  I was after a high quality
> logo for the company I work for.  Luckily I found a PDF copy of a
> business card which I was able to convert to PDF, import into Scribus
> and then copy and paste into Inkscape to make an SVG version.  Looked
> great when it was finally imported into OOo, much better than the JPG
> copies that were available to me.
> Hope this helps anyway.
> Rob
> --
> ubuntu-uk at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk
> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/UKTeam/
> --
> ubuntu-uk at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk
> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/UKTeam/

Anders Jacobsen
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