[ubuntu-uk] BBC Click includes Ubuntu

Rob Beard rob at esdelle.co.uk
Fri Jun 15 19:12:12 BST 2007

Alan c wrote:
> The recent weekend TV program of BBC Click was devoted to Open source,
> Ubuntu, an an interview with Mark Shuttleworth.
> I  can manage to get it to play using Real player, but I cannot think
> of how to capture the stream to view it later.
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/click_online/
> ('watch now')
> Any ideas please?
> --
> alan cocks
> Kubuntu user#10391

I'm trying to dump the WMV stream with Mplayer.  Then in theory I should 
be able to re-encode it into AVI format with Mencoder.

The command line I'm using to dump the stream is:

-dumpstream -dumpfile "dump.wmv"

Then I'm hoping that this will work to encode it into AVI:

mencoder dump.wmv -ovc lavc -oac mp3lame -o encodedvideo.avi

I haven't however got the whole stream dumped yet though so it may not work.

Anyway, for future reference there is a link on the Ubuntu forums with 
regards to converting video files here: 



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