[ubuntu-uk] Linspire and MS deal

Michael sieverfrisch at yahoo.ie
Thu Jun 14 16:04:25 BST 2007

Chris Jones wrote:
> Hi
> Lee Tambiah wrote:
>> I hope Ubuntu never signs a deal like this either, but I think we are safe,
>> I don't think Mark Shuttleworth is that gullable.
> From: http://mybroadband.co.za/nephp/?m=show&id=6672
> "So you wouldn’t do a deal?
> No, absolutely not."
> Cheers,

As I live and breathe, it's a talking weasel!

"I know the drafters of GPLv3 are well intentioned, and perhaps feel 
they are dealing Microsoft, Tivo, the film studios, and others, a 
serious blow with the new language, but we could end up cutting off our 
own nose to spite our face. By limiting how Linux can be used, we could 
actually slow down the adoption of Linux, thereby assisting competing 
operating systems in keeping their sizable leads."

-- Kevin Carmony, 'GPLv3 - Unforeseen Consequences?', June 5th, 2007 

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