[ubuntu-uk] Tom Peters on Vista and Office 2007

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk
Thu Jun 14 14:21:39 BST 2007

Office is changing...so can you... ;o)


On Thu, 14 Jun 2007 14:16:26 +0100, Mark Harrison <Mark at yourpropertyexpert.com> wrote:
> I'm not sure how many of you know of Tom Peters, since he's not an IT 
> person.
> He is, however, the world's best-selling business author, and a hugely 
> respected "top business consultant". The kind of person who charges £800 
> for a one-day seminar ticket, and fills an auditorium of several hundred 
> people at that price... and consults for some of the world's largest 
> companies.
> He's also a regular blogger. (www.tompeters.com)
>  From one of his most recent posts:
> "I've spent the first three very intense "days off" learning Microsoft 
> Office 2007—which has #%$^ all in common with the '97–'03 version; I 
> successfully side-stepped Vista 
> <http://www.pcmag.com/category2/0,1874,1786052,00.asp>, only to be fully 
> ensnared by its cousin. Hint: I am in a very bad mood."
> I've commented before that the best possible way to get OOo onto 
> people's desks is to point out that, yes, a large part of the cost is a 
> steep learning curve, but you're going to have this is you "upgrade" to 
> O2007 anyway....
> M.
Matthew Macdonald-Wallace
Lug-Master (http://www.thanet.lug.org.uk),
Dad (http://www.helpmeimadad.com/),
Ubuntu User( http://www.ubuntu.com/)

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