[ubuntu-uk] rsync chgrp problem - advice, please?

luxxius luxxius at googlemail.com
Thu Jun 7 08:52:29 BST 2007

Robert McWilliam wrote:
> -exec wants a command ended with a semi-colon (which you have to escape
> to stop the shell interpreting it). Make sure you have a "\;" at the
> end of each of the -exec commands. 

Robert >>> You're right - I'd accidentally omitted the final ';'.  I 
also needed to run the command with root permission:

sudo find ~/music -group diana -exec chgrp root {} \; -exec chmod 664 {} \;

Bingo!  Perfect!

Thank you - and everyone - for the all the help.  (And it's not even 
09:00 yet!  You guys are amazing.)


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