[ubuntu-uk] Backgrounding shell commands

Dave Walker dave at ubuntuwire.com
Sat Jun 2 00:00:21 BST 2007

On Fri, 2007-06-01 at 23:30 +0100, Chris Rowson wrote:
> Hi all,
> Quick question on shell commands.
> What's happening there? Is the command associated with the terminal
> that invoked it? If so how to I get the command to run even after I've
> logged out?
> Thanks in advance ;-)
> Chris

Hi Chris,

In order to keep a command alive when you close/logout of a shell you
need to use the 'nohup' command (No Hangup).  Any output of the command
will be appended to "~/nohup.out"

	$ nohup scp -r foldername root at server.com:/home/foldername

Kind Regards,
Dave Walker
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