[ubuntu-uk] [ANNOUNCEMENT] IRC meeting for Ubuntu - UK 5th August at 9pm in #ubuntu-uk

Nik Butler nik at reducedhackers.com
Sun Jul 15 10:56:34 BST 2007

if this was DIGG I would say , title says it all, however this is Ubuntu
UK and I wanted to grab everyones attention to this, you can see notes
from previous meeting and conversations. its open to all in the list and
forums for the ubuntu uk community


sorry about missing notes I am playing the catch up game with my own admin.


if you need to get a hold of me privately im usually easier to grab on
facebook/pownce/twitter or skype since email is getting to be more
notification based than communication based for me

facebook  http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=638696866
pownce http://pownce.com/nikbutler
twitter  http://twitter.com/loudmouthman
skype    thebutlershouse



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