[ubuntu-uk] Adopt a Penguin

Neil Greenwood neil.greenwood.lug at gmail.com
Fri Jul 13 19:36:48 BST 2007

On 13/07/07, Paul Tansom <paul at aptanet.com> wrote:
> How about avoiding the whole pros/cons of zoos issue and adopting a wild
> penguin? Somthing like this:
> http://www.seabirds.org/
> To me that is far more in keeping with the Ubuntu ideals than a captive
> penguin, whatever anyone personal feelings may be about zoos.
> If you want to go down and meet your own penguin then you can do... a
> 'short' trip to teh Falkland Islands and then look for the burrow with
> your chosen penguins name.
> I'm sure both Ubuntu and the International Penguin Conservation Work
> Group could get some nice shared publicity from this - particularly if
> Mark were to make a visit ;)

Now that's a good idea!


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