[ubuntu-uk] Routine Admin...

Mark Harrison Mark at yourpropertyexpert.com
Wed Jul 11 10:27:40 BST 2007

Hi all,

This question is particularly aimed at server admin, but 
desktop-specifics would be good.

If you're running an Ubuntu box, what "routine admin" do you perform....

- how often do you run apt*
- do you rely on the file system itself to manage disk fragmentation, or 
are there specific tools you use
- do you rely Apache to manage its own logs, or do you prune old ones 
(how often)

... and so on, and so on.

At the moment, I run a cluster of four servers, using a cunning method 
called "ad hoc management" :-) I'd like to tighten up what we're doing 
(not least so I can hand over that kind of operational stuff to someone 
else :-) )


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