[ubuntu-uk] The genius of FSF

Lee Tambiah leetambiah at ossgeeks.co.uk
Tue Jul 10 14:00:05 BST 2007

On 7/10/07, Mark Harrison <Mark at yourpropertyexpert.com> wrote:
> Mac wrote:
> > As I understand it, GPLv3 is not a contract;  it's a waiver of copyright
> > that passes to those who also waive copyright.  This is what's so clever
> > about it - it just doesn't work like a contract or licence.  I think
> > this is why patent/copyright lawyers have such trouble with it:  it's
> > anti-matter!
> >
> > Best wishes
> >
> > Mac
> Mac,
> Thanks for that.
> It's hard to see, however, how any legal document written on 1st July
> could retrospectively apply to a contract signed on the 30th June unless
> the contract made specific provision for itself to be modified. Not even
> the government can (normally) pass laws that apply retrospectively.
> Oh, and I have (finally) blogged about why I'm not a member of the FSF -
> you are strongly encouraged to visit http://planet.ubuntu-uk.org/ for
> all your Ubuntu-UK related needs :-) My blog is one of many syndicated
> there.
> M.
> --
> ubuntu-uk at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk
> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/UKTeam/

Without disscussion I think the GPL 3 is a very good license which protects
Free Software and overall should strengthen it. Why should a company be able
to take code use it, but deny the users to reuse it with modifications, they
have brought the product so why should they be restricted? With this
attitude TiVo is just using the kernel not actually contributing in anyway
at all. My 2 pennies worth...

" linux: because a PC is a terrible thing to waste"
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