[ubuntu-uk] Firefox and BBC video (sigh)

alan c aeclist at candt.waitrose.com
Wed Jul 4 11:10:22 BST 2007

alan c wrote:
> Michael wrote:
>> alan c wrote:
>>> I am happy to say that a neighbour of mine is using Kubuntu. I helped 
>>> choose the new machine (dell basic desktop) and set it all up, dual 
>>> boot. The neighbour trusts my judgement and the fact that I use it 
>>> (and not windows) and I can help with the PC anyway.
>>> However this is a certain type of situation. They are an ordinary very 
>>> non-technical PC user, with broadband for the first time, happy to use 
>>> Kubuntu (7.04) because I recommend it but are surrounded by most 
>>> friends and family who all use windows as you might expect.
>>> My real concern is that I am unable to configure the machine to 'just 
>>> work' for the obvious internet tit-bits of video such as bbc video, 
>>> ITV and Cannel 4 stuff - in fact most mainstream web page video stuff.
>>> Firefox is the important browser here - it is used in windows and 
>>> Kubuntu, and their friends and family can (and should) be using 
>>> firefox in windows. So I want to focus on firefox. Normal web 
>>> browsing. Click on a link and video window should open and play.
>>> My own internet use does not usually include such things apart from an 
>>> occasional BBC Click program, and anyway *I* am content to see 1) non 
>>> functioning firefox player window, then 2) click on 'use standalone 
>>> player' and then 3) see a download window then 4) to have a realplayer 
>>> window open, and then 5) manually resize it....... but I know this 
>>> will seem complicated and even a bit scary for this neighbour, even if 
>>> they can remember it all. They are likely of course to just use 
>>> windows and decry kubuntu. :-(
>>> I see in the ubuntu forums that there is a lot about firefox and bbc 
>>> realplayer streams, but I did not see an actual solution I could use.
>>> To summarise - I am looking for specifically firefox and (as example) 
>>> specifically BBC.
>>> My task is to get firefox working elegantly for such things.  I will 
>>> need to get my own machine going ok for this first, then the dell.
>>> I would be most grateful for help in this.
>>> tia
>> Whilst not brilliantly elegant, one solution is to use the 
>> MediaPlayerConnectivity extension 
>> (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/446). In the set-up 
>> wizard's drop-down menu entry for RealMedia, change the setting to 
>> "realplay (/usr/bin)".
>> Having selected the required link, the familiar BBC embedded player 
>> window appears. Click on the icon and the link will open in RealPlayer.
> thanks it could be a useful option - but in my machine I get sound 
> from realplayer  just now, and no picture. Maybe my realplayer 
> environment has been disturbed by the other actions in this thread?

sorted ok.
I seemed to have realplayer installed twice in different places and 
after doing some cl renaming to '-old' and restarting the machine, and 
checking through the sound system, I get sound and video when using 
the connectivity plugin Great, thanks.

(When real player windows starts, I see a couple of realplay icons in 
it not just one, so maybe I still have some duplication somewhere).
alan cocks
Kubuntu user#10391

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