[ubuntu-uk] getting help - UK List

baza baza at themauvezone.fsnet.co.uk
Wed Jan 31 14:07:27 GMT 2007

On Wed, 2007-01-31 at 08:38 +0000, Alan Pope wrote:

> > The best advice anyone can give, IMHO, is to burn your 'home' directory
> > to CD or DVD every month, that way if you system does the big firework
> > you can reinstall and keep (most) of you data.
> > 
> Heh, that might not be quite so easy for many people.
> alan at wopr:~$ du -hs .
> 100G 
> baza at nexus4:~$ du -hs .

Easy for some though.

baza at nexus4:~$ du -hs .
522M    .




Cock, lock and ready to rock!

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