[ubuntu-uk] getting help - UK List

baza baza at themauvezone.fsnet.co.uk
Tue Jan 30 14:38:11 GMT 2007

On Tue, 2007-01-30 at 14:30 +0000, alan c wrote:
> London School of Puppetry wrote:
> > Hi Jonathan, I agree but I think the problem is wider than just us isn't 
> > it....I'm concerned that non-groupy types....like most of the ordinary 
> > world should be able to access Ubuntu and other OSS
> > and know that there is exactly the same expert support available as 
> > there is for Windows etc. Caroline

> I give phone support (free) if asked, for local contacts.  I am not 
> any expert!
> When I began with linux a few years ago, I was experienced with online 
> use getting help, but found my local LUG of limited value for a number 
> of reasons. I like the idea of very local help. Experience to date 
> suggests that it is only the very initial questions that need answers, 
> reassurance included.

The best advice anyone can give, IMHO, is to burn your 'home' directory
to CD or DVD every month, that way if you system does the big firework
you can reinstall and keep (most) of you data.



Cock, lock and ready to rock!

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