[ubuntu-uk] Pledgebank - ask for Linux support in computer stores

Adam Funk a24061 at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 29 18:52:49 GMT 2007

On 2007-01-29, Alan Pope wrote:

> Fact is the people who would likely take up this challenge and go to
> store probably already know the answers to the questions they are
> asking. Why not flip it around and instead of asking the stores the
> third degree, *give* them the answers! Make leaflets and information
> packs, hand them CDs (which they can duplicate) and spend time to get to
> know the store owner, don't bitch at them to fix something they had very
> little hand in breaking in the first place.

That sounds like a really good, constructive idea!

I'd be happy to (try to) distribute something like that at my local
computer and electronics stores.

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