[ubuntu-uk] Cheap laptop for sale?

London School of Puppetry lspinfo at gmail.com
Sun Jan 28 23:56:25 GMT 2007

Just got one for £207 off ebay.  Caroline

On 28/01/07, chombee at nerdshack.com <chombee at nerdshack.com> wrote:
> Looking for a cheap used or refurbished laptop for a project. Price is the
> major concern. Not much is needed in the way of spec, it just needs to run
> an XSession (not GNOME) and Rhythmbox, have half-decent sound through a
> pair of headphones, and have a reasonable-sized hard disk, say 10GB
> minimum. A network card or PCMCIA slot is required, wireless is not. It
> has
> to last for a long time without breaking, but is going to be run plugged
> in
> the whole time, so a battery isn't even necessary. And ofcourse, no
> proprietary OS preinstalled pushing up the price.
> Anyone know of any good sources?
> Does anyone have one they'd consider selling?
> Any other lists it would be worth inquiring on?
> I'm talking about a £100-£200 price range I think.
> Sorry for cross-posting.
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London School of Puppetry
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