[ubuntu-uk] Battle of the Operating Systems

Roberto Sarrionandia rbs.tito at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Jan 24 23:04:47 GMT 2007

It does need a firewall, but one is built in (I prefer a hardware
firewall anyway) to prevent malicious access through ports. Viruses
aren't really a threat to any Linux distribution, it is fundamentally
more secure than Windows, because of the way it is built very few
viruses have managed to affect linux; only two or three in fact. Those
two or three were all made in computer labs, they could not be gained
through day to day use.

./configure malware
make malware
sudo make install malware

You get the picture ;) 

On Wed, 2007-01-24 at 22:40 +0000, London School of Puppetry wrote:
> Some great replies- but does Ubuntu not need firewalls and virus
> detectors then? and if not why not? Caroline
> On 24/01/07, norman <norman at littletank.org> wrote:
>         > Hi there, I was talking to friends about Linux (Ubuntu) said
>         it was 
>         > free- then they all look puzzled because they have never
>         paid for
>         > it ...it comes free with a new computer.....so then what is
>         my answer?
>         > Caroline
>         The operating system, presumably Windows, comes free (actually
>         the cost 
>         is built in to the price I believe) but what else comes free.
>         Microsoft
>         Office does not, Photoshop does not and, apart from bits and
>         pieces
>         which come with such items as cameras for example, I am hard
>         pressed to 
>         think of what does come free. Don't forget the cost of Virus
>         detectors
>         and firewalls. There's a start others doubtless will expand.
>         Norman
>         --
>         ubuntu-uk at lists.ubuntu.com
>         https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk
>         https://wiki.kubuntu.org/UKTeam/
> -- 
> ---
> London School of Puppetry
> www.londonschoolofpuppetry.com

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