[ubuntu-uk] [mgjbroadbent at googlemail.com: [lugmaster] Fwd: Linux-refurbished Laptops for Nepal Appeal!]

alan c aeclist at candt.waitrose.com
Mon Jan 22 21:26:16 GMT 2007

John McCourt wrote:
> These people need to be educated to get them out of
> poverty.... Giving them access to computers helps them
> get an education. I think places like this should have
> internet cafe style places where they can plug in
> their equipment and get an education.  Ask any recent
> 1sy world homeschooler and they will tell you how
> important a computer was in their education. Yes there
> are other priorities like medicine and water, but as
> computer experts we can also contribute with what we
> are experts in. They should not be left behind in the
> digital age. Computers and the internet are a big part
> of todays world infrastructure. 

I do not disagree with your points at all.

However, I think that putting limited effort  - focused onto the 
actual computers- may be unrealistic for the stage they are at. I am a 
long time supporter of Intermediate Technology, wateraid, and I have 
recycled many pcs here for the elderly or others. And we gave a goat 
(note 1) via oxfam for xmas.... I certainly believe action needs to be 

Somewhere there will be a need for computers and help where they have 
already taken two years to get power and a have a phone line, and now 
all they need are computers and software and help.

The judgement about how effort is to be spent is not one that computer 
know how is good at. Some charity efforts may be well meaning but if 
ill judged may be perhaps wasted.

At the Linux World show at Olympia last october we found that an 
international charity (computeraid.org) was sending out PCs with 
ubuntu. They have contacts, field workers, etc. there will be other 
charities also.

Note 1:
In our family, the goat was given the hopefully inappropriate name of 
alan cocks
Kubuntu user#10391

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