[ubuntu-uk] Open Source Challenges Vista at U.K. Education Show
binarysignal at gmail.com
Tue Jan 16 23:21:33 GMT 2007
I was at the BETT Show and saw the Open Forum Europe stand and the
Edubuntu CD's. Also the Internet cafe there was powered by Linux. So
while it's good to see them at BETT I personally never think Linux we
make any advances into education. And I say that as a school Network
I say that because of the 190 poor written and designed educational
applications we have on our network NONE of them have Linux versions.
That is with one exception....the new Yr9 ICT SAT software has a Linux
version and I noticed that just yesterday.
I do promote OSS and Linux within education. I have converted one
teacher and two students to Ubuntu. And given OpenOffice to many
students who do not have MS Office on their home PCs.
I believe OpenOffice, The GIMP and other OSS applications could do
well in schools, but I believe the desktop OS will always be Windows.
Mainly because myself and my colleagues (MS Admins) are ten a penny :-)
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