[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu 6.10 install

Jonathan Roberts jonathan.roberts.uk at googlemail.com
Mon Jan 15 22:53:26 GMT 2007

> Sorry to change the subject- I have Ubuntu 6,10 installed. Open Office
> crashes if I try to copy or cut and paste into an email. I have re-installed
> Open Office, but it is still happening.
> Does that mean that the re-installation did not work or is there another
> problem somewhere else?
No idea! Sorry :-( (Although I would guess so...) - hope you get it sorted!

> Caroline
> On 15/01/07, Alastair Scott <alastairscott9 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Jon
> >
> > I have downloaded the alternative - unfortunately, the CD cannot find my
> > hard disk and the installation fails each time. I've tried a few times. Any
> > ideas?

Is it an old hard drive? Might be that it's dead though I don't know
how you'd confirm that. Also maybe try booting back up in to the
ubuntu live cd (or knoppix etc) and use Gparted to try and
partition/detect your drives with that. Gives a lot more control and
details when something goes wrong. If that doesn't help then I'm sure
someone far more knowledgable than me could point you in the direction
of some command line tools which might help diagnose the problem.

Sorry I can't be more help...hope you get the problem sorted though!

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