[ubuntu-uk] ubuntu sophisticated

alan c aeclist at candt.waitrose.com
Fri Jan 5 11:57:55 GMT 2007

London School of Puppetry wrote:
> Robin, I am a recent convert? to Ubuntu- which I find great- and I am 
> useless at this klind of thing. the Help stuff is clear- ish - except 
> for some terms are hard to understand- But the biggest problem I have is 
> sending files to colleagues who use Microsoft- and they say they can't 
> open them.Caroline

Hi Caroline
Welcome to Ubuntu!
It is possible to save things in OpenOffice in microsoft format (note 
1) as well as Open document format.
The open document format has the advantage in that the files are 
likely to be smaller, the format is international standard (ISO) and 
of course is Open, so that any other wordprocessor may be created to 
support it in future. OpenOffice is - as you may know - Open Source 
and free.

On some occasions you may want to send two copies(attachments) - one 
in open document format, and a second one in M$

Note 1:
File>Save As>Filter>(choose m$ word/2000/XP)

alan cocks
Kubuntu user#10391

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