[ubuntu-uk] ubuntu sophisticated

Robin Menneer robinmenneer at gmail.com
Thu Jan 4 11:01:08 GMT 2007

Cornwall.  You can see some of my interests on www.cornishhedges.com.
(comments welcome).   Yes, I agree about different needs - all one
needs is a simple menu offering switchable facilities by function
rather than by name. Protection should be inbuilt with user status.
Surely in the 21st century we do not need an install person.  Aged
late-departed mother in laws should not have to be daunted by install
problems.  I gather one Ubuntu difficulty was with the display which
turned out to be merely a deficit in programming.

On 1/4/07, alan c <aeclist at candt.waitrose.com> wrote:
> Robin Menneer wrote:
> > Neil
> > As a new comer to Ubuntu,
> Welcome!
> > I find that it is unnecessarily
> > sophisticated.
> It would be very useful to know a little more about an example or two
> on what you find as over sophisticated.
> I set up and ran the age concern berks UKOnline Centre for some years
> in Reading, and I would be happy to be aware of your desired approach.
> > What I need is an operating system that will run Open
> > Office and similar freeware on a simple turn-key basis, and not all
> > the facilities that I seem to have on my downloaded version of Ubuntu
> > - which I had to get someone else to install.  I don't mind
> > non-essentials being on the hard drive, but I don't want to be able to
> > access it or to suffer if it goes wrong.   I started computing with
> > Fortran 1 over 30 years ago and had one of the first Commodore Pets,
> > and have managed to keep away from Windows, moving from DOS to Susi
> > and Tiger
> You did well to stay away from windows. I do not know what susi and
> tiger are though, sorry.
> > Now aged 75 my needs are much more simple and your
> > attitude to a suitable cut-down desktop based Obuntu would suit me as
> > well as to newcomers.
> There are various possibilities. It is easy for the install person to
> first install a standard system  and then remove  a lot of programs,
> and some facilities if they know what is required. The problem arises
> when people want different things.  One person wants to play a video
> and another wants to use online chatrooms (my very aged ex mother in
> law), another just letters and email etc.
> Where in the UK are you located?
> --
> alan cocks
> Kubuntu user#10391
> --
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