[ubuntu-uk] Donation of Old PCs

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Wed Jan 3 16:58:55 GMT 2007

On Wed, 2007-01-03 at 13:03 +0000, Mr W. F. Vening wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anyone looked into taking donations of old PCs, which businesses
> throw out, and installing a form of Ubuntu on them. Then giving them
> to schools, youth clubs etc who couldn't afford to buy them?

I am a member of Hampshire Linux User Group [0] who have worked in the
past with a charity called Jamies Computer Club [1] who recondition old

Note that they can supply older computers [2] running any of the four
versions of *buntu (or windows), and openoffice.

WEEE [3] makes it difficult for companies to "throw out" old computers,
they need to hand them over for proper disposal or re-use.

> I know there are a few systems like this already but this is a great
> way to get Ubuntu used more and more, and do a bit of charity work at
> the same time!

I believe they are always looking for people who can help them! :)

> This is also a great time to start talking about it as soon many
> businesses will be upgrading systems for Vista.

Haha, not the ones I've spoken to! Many companies are still on Win2K or
below, not having "upgraded" to XP yet. Those who do run vista anytime
within the next 6-8 months (after release) are either (in my opinion)
insane or are so small that they buy computers off the shelf from big
box shifters, which will come with vista pre-installed.


[0] http://hants.lug.org.uk/ (site down as server being moved right now)
[1] http://www.jamiescomputerclub.org.uk/
[2] http://www.jamiescomputerclub.org.uk/sales/configure/index.shtml
[3] http://www.dti.gov.uk/innovation/sustainability/weee/page30269.html
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