[ubuntu-uk] Edgy sometimes stalls on boot.

Neil Greenwood neil.greenwood.lug at gmail.com
Tue Jan 2 13:02:10 GMT 2007

On 01/01/07, Llywelyn Owen <linux at spamtracker.co.uk> wrote:
> [snip]
> Also, is there something I should be doing to boot the system after the
> routine (every 30 or so boots) disk check has completed it's work? I just
> seem to end up with text view of the the aftermath - should the end of the
> disk check sequence continue to boot and take me to the desktop?

If there are no errors found, it should continue to boot to the
desktop. It continues booting in text mode.
Does it get any further than "Mounting root filesystem"/"Mounting
filesystem" (or words to that effect) in the text-mode boot process?

My disk was checked this morning, because of 30 mounts. If you're
often rebooting your PC, you can change the number of mounts/days
between checks, using tune2fs. You want the -c parameter to change the
number of mounts, and the -i parameter to change the number of days.
Check the man page for more info, and as it recommends, don't set all
your partitions to the same values and don't disable both!


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