[ubuntu-uk] Why some people will never switch

Tony Arnold tony.arnold at manchester.ac.uk
Fri Dec 21 11:10:24 GMT 2007


Mark Allison wrote:

> What do you think? Have many of you managed to get older, non-techie
> people to switch happily?

I gave my mother a computer about a year ago and put Ubuntu on it. I had
the advantage that she had never really used a computer before but she
was keen to use the WEB and e-mail. I figured she might as well use
Ubuntu than Windows.

The main problem she's had is with watching various video sources on the
net, e.g., BBC, NASA TV etc. I'll upgrade her to Gutsy over Xmas and
make sure this is all working sensibly for her.

She asks the occasional question and I do the occasional sys admin work
from 300 miles away! Oh, and she's 75!

Tony Arnold,                        Tel: +44 (0) 161 275 6093
Head of IT Security,                Fax: +44 (0) 870 136 1004
University of Manchester,           Mob: +44 (0) 773 330 0039
Manchester M13 9PL.                 Email: tony.arnold at manchester.ac.uk

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