[ubuntu-uk] (marketing) FWD: [[Hampshire] Report on Tesco Ubuntu machine]

alan c aeclist at candt.waitrose.com
Thu Dec 20 17:30:50 GMT 2007

Stuart Bird wrote:

> Having recognised that such an opportunity has been created, is it
> not our (Ubuntu-Uk) and/or Canonical's responsibility to try and
> engage with the companies concerned to educate them as to their
> mistakes and perhaps regain what could be a very good thing for the
> free software market?

Point taken. I see it as more of an 'opportunity' than anything else. 
It is quite obvious that Tesco see some advantages in the products 
although it is also obvious that most relevant and key Tesco employees 
do not actually know much if anything about Ubuntu. If voluntary help 
could be used I would be delighted to help. Does anyone have any 
central contact with Tesco?
alan cocks
Kubuntu user#10391

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