[ubuntu-uk] FWD: [[Hampshire] Report on Tesco Ubuntu machine]

Sean Miller sean at seanmiller.net
Wed Dec 19 21:15:33 GMT 2007

> I see from the TESCO site that they are 'temporarily' out of stock.

I weep no tears, if it's giving folks a bad impression...

I didn't post at the time as everybody seemed so enthused, but exactly the
same thing happened to a lady in Glastonbury who we've been trying to
persuade to use Linux (she runs a charity that gives computers to the
disabled) and the Tesco experience completely disillusioned her.  She felt
Linux hadn't advanced in the 4+ years since she'd last tried it... it
clearly had, unfortunately Tesco didn't give her any help to realise... she
was still trying tarballs etc. and finding incompatabilities... she had no
idea how to use Ubuntu at all, and because she'd "tried" Linux before she
thought she knew how things should be done...

,,,not helpful!

I will find her post to our local community list (not a Linux list, a
Glastonbury list) and check with her if it's okay to forward it here...

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