[ubuntu-uk] Central authentication in Ubuntu

Michael Rimicans heed at bigmassiveheed.co.uk
Thu Dec 13 18:00:05 GMT 2007

It did with NIS

I had to give the clients the IP address of the NIS server and edit the 
user and password files to point there (best way i could think of saying 
This was carried out by editing various text files in /etc

In fact looking back on it, apart from some head bang wall moments, it 
was quite simple if you followed the guides.

If you dont want to edit the files, Bimble over to 
http://www.webmin.com/ and have a look.
I found this the other day and you install it on the server machine to 
give you a web interface for pretty much everything.

If i had known about it at the beginning it would been easier to set the 
system up but at least i have managed to get some command line experience.

Chris Rowson wrote:
>> Greetings,
>>     Ive just achieved similar us NIS. It took me a few days but I
>> managed to get it working:
>>     This helped: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/36
>>     Also there is something called LDAP but thats for another day with me.
>>     https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer
>>     Have fun
>>     Michael
> Hi Michael,
> Thanks for that -
> LDAP is the standard Active Directory runs on (well, kinda - although
> MS has bastardised it a bit). I'm reasonably comfortable with that and
> wouldn't mind giving it a go. One thing that confuses me is how to
> configure the client side (ie join a domain etc). I'm guessing it'll
> all be on the command line.
> Chris

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