[ubuntu-uk] Internet access for second user

Keith Bowerman keith at grumpyface.me.uk
Mon Dec 10 18:25:13 GMT 2007

I did as Tony suggested in Ubuntu, adding my partner as an administrator and 
that seems to work OK.

However, I do not have much experience of KDE, only having recently started 
using Kubuntu.  (I do quite like it so far.)  Consequently I haven't been 
successful attempting a similar ploy with Kubuntu.

I don't feel inclined to mess about with different wireless utilities at 
present so SHMBO will have to manage with Ubuntu for now.  it's no great 
hardship, is it?



Keith Bowerman,
Prestwood, south Staffordshire, England.
Using Kubuntu 7.10 on a Linux only machine.

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