[ubuntu-uk] Installing Ubuntu to dual-boot (partition sizes)

Mark Harrison Mark at yourpropertyexpert.com
Fri Aug 31 22:55:24 BST 2007

Tony Arnold wrote:
>> I don't have any data on the laptop other than "backups / local cached 
>> copies", if you see what I mean.
>> The question is "where did I put the Dell system recovery CD", of course 
>> - re-installing XP-MCE on the beast would be the annoying part of the 
>> exercise :-)
> So you have Ubuntu on this machine and want to add Windows?

Sorry - no - I have Windows and want to add Ubuntu.

The reason for making sure I had the Dell CD was to get this stuff 
together BEFORE starting, in case of the installation going pear-shaped.

In fact, after a couple of Twitters on the subject, I'm having a go at 
installing Ubuntu in a Virtual PC (which seems to be working well, apart 
from the fancy graphic effects, which to be honest aren't a big deal to me.)


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