[ubuntu-uk] eSys ePC basic

John Levin john at technolalia.org
Mon Aug 27 21:19:23 BST 2007

alan c wrote:
> John Levin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> This months Linux Format mag has a review of the eSys ePC Basic, a
>> budget desktop preloaded with Ubuntu 6.06
>> Has anyone seen or used one of these? The website
>> http://esysglobal.co.uk/esyspc.htm
>> gives no details of prices or where to buy.
> I do not have that -particular- one, but I bought one of the similar 
> family a while back:
> http://groups.google.co.uk/group/uk.comp.os.linux/browse_thread/thread/754d066279013f4d/eacc0687b22ba4aa?lnk=st&q=dabs+PC+esys+candt&rnum=1&hl=en#eacc0687b22ba4aa
> (sorry about the long link, I used google and groups with a search on 
> the string:
> dabs PC esys candt
> The PC is still currently being used, now with upgraded HDs and RAM. 
> The keyboard keys wear off rapidly, and the speakers were very trash 
> and were soon actually thrown away.  I would not hold any breath for 
> much warranty action. I did make contact just after I bought it but 
> before long the phone number was not answered,. I did not need any 
> serious warranty remedy, but the experience was interesting.
> I needed a quick cheap PC at the time and it was good value (165 uk 
> pounds incl vat and dabs delivery). The bios needed configuring 
> various things - on board video display resolution I think, and the 
> delivered linux install was not useful, not that that mattered. 
> Documentation was nil and I used partly guesswork.

Thanks for the info.
Does the cpu fan make much noise? Is there a fan on the graphics card?



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