[ubuntu-uk] Cursors?

Jim Kissel jlk at osml.eu
Mon Aug 20 15:02:43 BST 2007

Rob Beard wrote:
> Quoting Jim Kissel <jlk at osml.eu>:
>> Rob Beard wrote:
>>> Quoting Jim Kissel <jlk at osml.eu>:
>>>> Any recommendations or a GUI view/editor for the files in
>>>> /usr/share/icons/Human/cursor ?
>>> It's a long shot but could you try the gcursor package (which is the
>>> Gnome cursor theme managing software).  More details on it here:
>>> http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Beautify_GNOME (Gentoo specific but it
>>> might help).
>> Thanks Rob.  One of my colleagues suggested Konqueror which displayed
>> them where as Nautilus couldn't.
>>> Rob
> No problem.  I was under the impression that things like this were  
> either PNG or SVG format but Gimp didn't seem to know what they are.

'file' says that they are GLS_BINARY_LSB_FIRST but even Google doesn't 
have much about it.

> Rob

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