[ubuntu-uk] tutorials

Gary M Nicholson thebiggeeuk.laptop.account at googlemail.com
Sat Aug 18 19:48:17 BST 2007

Hi Norman/All,

Funny you should mention tutorial videos. I am fairly new to Linux and
wondered if anyone new of any CBT type tutorials on learning linux
(Ubuntu in particular) and where to get them?

Thanks in advance!

Gary M Nicholson
TheBigGeeUK.Laptop.Account at gmail.com

On Sat, 2007-08-18 at 19:03 +0100, norman wrote:
> Some time ago there were some wonderful tutorial videos which I still
> have safely saved onto CD and to which, from time to time, I still
> refer. I wondered if there were to be anymore, perhaps someone could let
> me know. 
> I have recently come across a set of tutorial videos for the Gimp and,
> if anyone is interested, they can be found at http://meetthegimp.org
> Norman
Gary M Nicholson
TheBigGeeUK at gmail.com

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