[ubuntu-uk] iPod management

alan c aeclist at candt.waitrose.com
Mon Aug 13 18:06:23 BST 2007

Josh Blacker wrote:
> Hi all,
> Got a text from a friend earlier asking if she bought a new desktop
> from dell with Ubuntu, would she be able to use all her old files etc.
> I explained that yes Ubuntu can deal with jpgs (she was worried she
> wouldn't be able to see all her photos!) and OpenOffice is compatible
> with .doc formats and so on - but was stumped by the question of her
> iPod. (She was most thrilled that not only does Azureus run on Linux,
> but that Ubuntu has a built-in torrent client, but that's another
> matter).

ktorrent has got very good in the last year or two

> I explained that the necessary codecs for mp3s and so on are easy to
> install if of dubious legality (I guess they aren't pre-loaded on the
> Dells, or are they?), 

I do not think so, but easy to install an d 7.04 makes it easier too.
is relevant

> but I must admit I have no idea about managing
> an iPod from Ubuntu. I have most of the songs I want on mine anyway,
> and still dual-boot so can use iTunes when need be.

Amarok (again kde libraires but no problem) is very sophisticated and 
is certainly worth considering

Alternatives to itunes will I suspect be effective in their various 
ways but the trick if any might be to be able to use the apple itunes 
  databases, and when I last looked into it, it seemed that it might 
be possible to convert maybe one way but not back again, but I  am not 

good luck
alan cocks
Kubuntu user#10391

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