[ubuntu-uk] Creating 'root' account. (sudo, audit trails)

Adam Funk a24061 at ducksburg.com
Mon Aug 6 19:46:15 BST 2007

On 2007-08-05, Paul Sladen wrote:

> On Sat, 4 Aug 2007, Andrew Jenkins wrote:
>> For now though I consider playing around as 'root' while being 'under
>> the influence' as bad as driving so I'll leave well alone.
> Exact logging is *precisely* why 'sudo' exists.  In the morning you do:
>   sudo grep '[s]udo' /var/log/auth.log
> and find out what you did the night before.  'su' won't give you a list...

I can think of one situation where you really need a root password
set: booting in rescue mode.  Or is there a way around that if you've
left the root account locked?

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