[ubuntu-uk] gLabels
norman at littletank.org
Sat Aug 4 17:08:20 BST 2007
On Sat, 2007-08-04 at 15:47 +0100, Robert McWilliam wrote:
> On Fri, 03 Aug 2007 15:46:51 +0100
> norman <norman at littletank.org> wrote:
> > Well, that's the preamble and now for the real stuff. What I am
> > looking for is some clever person who would be prepared to help a
> > fellow Ubuntu user and put into plain language what I need to do to
> > make and install a template for the insert, please.
> I've just had a play with glabels (thanks for pointing it out, I'd just
> been using oodraw or the gimp). The template designer looks fairly
> straight forward. You just need to enter all of the dimensions for the
> sheets you are going to be using. I can't find any details on the Avery
> product you mentioned, but I suspect with being a case insert you'll
> want different section for the front, back and spine. It looks like
> you'd need a template for each (though the front and back could
> probably use one template and just pick which of them it is when
> printing), or use a template for the whole area and do the placing
> within that yourself (which would be a pain since I can't find a way to
> put in guide lines).
> If you've tried the template designer already, is there a specific part
> that you don't get?
I think I can get all the dimensions that are needed but I am not
exactly sure what to do with them. The insert is a rectangle 273X183 mm.
This is divided into two sections by a narrow rectangle, 14 mm wide, the
longitudinal dividing line of which coincides with the line which
divides the insert in half (short side to short side). Does that make
sense? The template is all one piece as are the inserts I bought from
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