[ubuntu-uk] Loading Fiesty into Mac mini

TheVeech theveech at gmail.com
Sun Apr 29 19:57:24 BST 2007

On Sun, 2007-04-29 at 16:14 +0100, Robin Menneer wrote:
> I've had a look at the forums (? fora) again, and gained no further
> insight, their problems tend to be in isolation.

Well I think once you take a dislike to something, nothing's going to
shift you! :)

If you were to sum up much of the support in this list, you'd say it was
specific to the questioner's needs.  This is how it tends to work with
support on the forums, too.  Isolation/specificity - essentially the
same thing, but with different connotations and attitudes that are
suggestive of how different people can approach resources.

You're never going to find the thread:
'Mr Menneer: here's the answer to whatever computing issue you're after'
but search is a powerful tool and if you have a good look around, you
should pick up some helpful tips.

>   And looked at the manual which seems to be for Edgy but which soon
> leaves me behind..  A paragraph or two seem quite ok, then suddenly
> I'm faced with something I have difficulty in coping with.  My
> indifferent memory doesn't help. 

Just dip into these things and try to get a general idea, rather than
aim to master everything in one go.  You might find some of the video
tutorials helpful.  In another thread today, someone's already mentioned
the screencasts at the documentation pages

There's also others, a couple being:

Try searching for more if you find this medium helps.

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