[ubuntu-uk] Loading Fiesty into Mac mini

Robin Menneer robinmenneer at gmail.com
Sat Apr 28 22:16:08 BST 2007

On 4/28/07, TheVeech <theveech at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 2007-04-28 at 16:37 +0100, Robin Menneer wrote:
> > Thank you severally for your long mails.  I've loaded Picasa easily
> > using the file name you gave me, and now think that f-spot may be
> > better, but I do need the straighten facility, hence going for Fiesty
> > (apart from its other improvements unknown to me).
> > I'm happy with the suggestion that you use me as a guinea-pig for
> > installing Fiesty, providing you keep things simple and have plenty of
> > patience.  Bear in mind, please, that I don't need music and motion
> > pictures, but do want OOo Writer and Draw in a version that doesn't
> > mess me about.  I do require things that are as reliable as software
> > ever is (discounting Windows of course).
> > I'm happy to give feedback on how well a package installs and performs
> > for an oldie, including interface ergonomics,  but cannot cope with
> > coding any longer.
> > As regards timing, I can fit in most mornings after 10am or afternoons
> > but am less alive after 4pm, and have a hands-free phone which makes
> > things easier.  Probably this coming Friday, Saturday or Sunday would
> > suit assuming the hardware is delivered.  Otherwise next week.
> > Installation isn't desperately urgent, I just want it right and good,
> > please.
> > Yrs    Robin
> >
> LOL.  Robin, you've got to try to give applications a bit more time to
> become comfortable and familiar with them before you discount them!
> That said, usability-wise, F-Spot is pretty good, as is gThumb, and they
> also have 'good' licenses.
> I tried to avoid the term 'guinea pig', though everyone (understandably)
> tends to duck for cover at the mention of more work, especially in
> weather like this!  What we'll - me and you, that is - do is get you a
> functioning system.  Once we iron out any machine-specific issues,
> you'll then be free to chase the rest up at your leisure in any forum or
> list you choose at the pace you want.
> Feisty it is, then, and for the initial install of the OS, at least, it
> looks like you're stuck with me, so don't worry about complexities and
> patience - I'm accustomed to working with people who aren't technical
> wizards, so we should be okay.  It would help hugely if you could have
> someone with you at the time for another pair of ears and eyeballs -
> just hassle a relative or friend (they don't need to be technical,
> either).  Again, though, don't worry if you can't do this.
> When you get a fixed date for delivery let me know and I'll email you.
> I'll need to give you a landline number to contact me on (you don't want
> to be paying mobile phone rates for sure), but I won't know what that is
> until the day we do it, so bear with me on that.  When the machine is
> actually with you, we can fix the time we do this.
> Writer and Draw come as default, so no worries there.  There's a new
> version of OO.org in Feisty, but you should still know your way around.
> But it's going to help you more if you tweak your approach to things.  I
> think your ideas about your relationship with the technology your use
> puts you at a disadvantage from the start.  This software won't 'mess
> you about' in any way, shape or form.  It's up to you.  It'll be you
> who's messing about if you don't put any effort into being more
> self-sufficient - i.e. you need to start trying to learn more about the
> technology you use to keep on top of it.  I'm not interested in the many
> reasons people claim for being unable to do this - I hear these all the
> time, and you'd be surprised at some of the classics people can come out
> with.  Had you learned more before this, you'd be better prepared now
> for this install and what comes after it, but that's the situation we're
> in, so let's get it out of the way first.
> If I recall correctly, at the moment you're using Edgy?  What CD burner
> do you use?  Brasero's quite handy and easy to use.  If you want to use
> this, type this into a terminal:
> sudo apt-get install brasero
> This is what I use, so it'll make my job easier since I can follow what
> you're doing.  Try also to get the specifics of the machine to me as
> soon as possible (today would be good!) so I can get prepared and do a
> bit of research this week.
> Before then, this might give you a bit of confidence:
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=415070
> I hasten to reply today that as far as I know, there are 2 models of mac
> mini and and I am supposed to be getting the one with 80Gb hard disc, ie the
> model with the higher specification, plus keyboard and screen all from
> Applestore.  I will know nothing more until delivery.  I don't know anything
> about burning a CD  but believe it isn't too difficult, I assume that we
> will be using the one on the new mac mini.  Currently I using Daffy, not
> Edgy.  do you want me to put basero on my compact laptop or on Tiger in the
> mac mini when it comes?  I'm not sure of the worth of the CD drive on the
> laptop, it's about 5 or 6 years old.  I have another mac mini a year old
> running Tiger with a CD drive which does't like ejecting its discs so I use
> it as little as possible (I use pen drives for backup).  Should I buy new
> discs and are there different sorts, if so what should I get and how many?
> Would a  pen drive do the job ?  Had a look at the forum you recommend
> above, reassuring in some ways, daunting in others.  At the end of the day,
> I  need to be in serious business with OOo and have no fears about a new
> version if it is a development of the old.  Other software can be added at
> leisure.  Thank you for your help.  Robin
> --
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