[ubuntu-uk] Loading Ubuntu on to a Mac mini

Alec Wright alecjw at gmail.com
Sat Apr 21 19:07:01 BST 2007

If it's an old PowerPC mac, you'll need this image:
http://gb.cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/7.04/release/ubuntu-7.04-desktop-powerpc.iso (http://gb.cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/7.04/release/ubuntu-7.04-desktop-powerpc.iso.torrent for the torrent)

If its a new intel one, you'll need this one:
for the torrent)
On Sat, 2007-04-21 at 18:50 +0100, Robin Menneer wrote:
> It seems likely that I will acquire a new Mac mini,  What's the
> procedure for using Ubuntu on it and can I run it at the same time as
> Tiger.  Do I get a disc or do I download it from the web ?   
> Would a different version of Linux  suit Mac better, if so what ?  I
> have no interest in electronic music or games and spend most of my
> time in OOo, dull but essential for life. 
> As a thickie, ought I to surrrender and get someone else to do it for
> me.
Alec Wright
M: 07749884274

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