[ubuntu-uk] 64bit Ubuntu

James Tait james.tait at wyrddreams.org
Thu Apr 12 12:21:45 BST 2007

TheVeech wrote:
> Anyone know the state of this these days?  I tried to install it on a
> machine a while back and the PC just wouldn't have it.

I've been running it on my laptop since Breezy.  I'm currently running
Feisty beta.  There are some issues with non-free software, such as
Flash plug-in and Skype, not being available in 64-bit versions, but you
can run the 32-bit versions if you have the appropriate 32-bit libraries
installed and/or (as I have) set up a 32-bit chroot.

Also, I may be wrong but I think there are a few packages that aren't
available in the AMD64 version.

Hope that helps,

James Tait, BSc                        |    xmpp:jayteeuk at wyrddreams.org
Programmer and Free Software advocate  |       VoIP: +44 (0)870 490 2407

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