[ubuntu-uk] GetGNULinux.Org

Dean Sas dean at deansas.org
Wed Apr 11 21:33:20 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Jim Kissel wrote:
> Alan Pope wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 11, 2007 at 09:57:36AM +0100, Jim Kissel wrote:
>>> So do I, but some people at the local LUG have taken exception to it. 
>> Heh. Linux User Groups are a great melting pot of opinions. They're great 
>> for just this kind of zealotary stuff. :) and :(
>>> Even worse, I once commented to the effect that Ubuntu was the 
>>> same/similar to Debian.  I got my head handed to me on a platter for 
>>> that one, but oddly enough Ian Murdock thinks that Ubuntu-Debian are the 
>>>   same.  "I do consider Ubuntu to be Debian"  Ian Murdock, Linux Format, 
>>> LXF92 May 2007.
>> It's been said to me that Ian Murdock has been somewhat irrelavent to the 
>> Linux (and indeed Debian) community for some years now, and very soon Sun 
>> will realise that and want to sell him back to us.
> I realize that Ian hasn't been active in the Debian development for some 
> time.  I didn't realise he was considered irrelevant by some members of 
> the Linux/Debian community.  raison d'etre?

He doesn't do anything in the Debian community these days but he
runs/owns the Progeny linux distro and chairs the LSB so maybe he's not
irrelevant to the Linux community.


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