[ubuntu-uk] GetGNULinux.Org

Jim Kissel jlk at osml.eu
Wed Apr 11 09:57:36 BST 2007

Toby Smithe wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-04-11 at 09:30 +0100, Jim Kissel wrote:
>> Every time I get sucked into this debate, I reflect back that John Q. 
>> Public/Joe Sixpack calls it Linux.  You may not like it, and probably 
>> don't, but that's not going to change the general public's mind as to 
>> it's proper name.
>> "...but we should educate the public to the error of their ways...." and 
>> perhaps we should, but remember that it is a difficult job to teach a 
>> pig to sing, and it annoys the pig.
> Oh yes, and I also just call it Linux. Or Ubuntu.
So do I, but some people at the local LUG have taken exception to it. 
Even worse, I once commented to the effect that Ubuntu was the 
same/similar to Debian.  I got my head handed to me on a platter for 
that one, but oddly enough Ian Murdock thinks that Ubuntu-Debian are the 
  same.  "I do consider Ubuntu to be Debian"  Ian Murdock, Linux Format, 
LXF92 May 2007.

Simple effective migration to Open Source based computing

Jim Kissel
Open Source Migrations Limited
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