[ubuntu-uk] LinuxWorld planning - Update 14th Sept.

ac "aec$news" at candt.waitrose.com
Thu Sep 14 12:06:14 BST 2006

nik wrote:
> Since I wont get a chance to post this over the weekend, here is your 
> end of week update,
> 1:  Thank You to
> Adam Bagnall, Alan Pope, Alan Helmore-Simpson,Stuart Parkington and 
> Ashley Hooper whom have all volunteered to aid in Setup and Attendance.  
> We believe Jono Bacon may even make an appearance!

I have also responded positively for both days,  but maybe I missed
confirming with yourself
alan cocks (alan c), bracknell

I will happily commit all of the time there to the stand, although at
present I am a bit uncertain about what time I can arrive each
morning, I will know closer to the event.
(BTW if anyone has a spare bed locally let me know, that might help an
earlier start for me).

alan c

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