[ubuntu-uk] Project Proposal
stude.list at googlemail.com
stude.list at googlemail.com
Wed Oct 18 15:19:14 BST 2006
On 18/10/06, Martin Fitzpatrick <martin.fitzpatrick at gmail.com> wrote:
> Aside from just the science applications, doing this for other common
> sets of packages could be a real usability benefit for people new to
> ubuntu.
Agreed, but start small, and we don't really want to have hundreds of
meta packages in the Ubuntu repositories, it would confuse people.
> Are there already meta packages for things like LAMP?
The server addition of Ubuntu can install a LAMP stack I think.
> How
> easy is it to get these things added to the repositories?
Which repository?
Repositories are classified according to level of support and whether
its Free or non-Free software.
We shall assume we are dealing with Free software. The repositories
for these are 'Main' and 'Universe'.
'Main' are the core packages backed by Ubuntu, I imagine its going to
be hard to get anything in here, especially as the files we need to
pull in are in Universe mostly.
I have read some of the docs on the wiki about getting things added to
Universe, if we do want to just create a simple package that depends
on the already packaged apps then the procedure seems a little
excessive, it involves posting requests, however this may not be
needed if someone creates the package.
MOTU new software: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/New?action=show
Of course this is assuming you want to put packages in an official
Ubuntu repository.
I am not entirely sure about how repositories work but i think they
are just ordinary files served over HTTP, with a special directory
server. If that is the case there is no reason you can't create and
host the package yourself. Of course people would need to add you to
the sources list and may be worried about downloading unsigned files.
Is the original poster around still?
A sum up of the files Mark Forster suggested:
Ghemical - Universe, Dapper and Edgy
MOPAC - Closest match: libmopac7-0 Universe, Dapper and Edgy
(is that the file you meant?)
mpqc - Universe, Dapper and Edgy
Gromacs - Universe, Dapper and Edgy
JChempaint - NOT FOUND
OpenBabel - Universe, Dapper and Edgy
Pymol - Universe, Dapper and Edgy
Tcoffee - Universe, Dapper and Edgy
GNUplot - Universe, Dapper and Edgy
Octave - Universe, Dapper ad Edgy
6 of the applications you requested where not found in the package
lists. For those you can ask MOTU to include them, you need to give
good reasons to persuade someone to package them.
None of the packages you requested are on the list of candidates for
ubuntu inclusion.
Have you looked at: http://www.bioclipse.net/ someone requested that be added.
I have a nasty feeling packaging uses up a lot of disk space, I have
very limited disk space after running Windows and Ubuntu, having Gnome
and a load of KDE libraries to run some KDE apps and having several
gigs of podcasts on my machine (I need another hard disk, when I get
around to it).
Having a package pull in other ones is probably quite simple,
especially as the dependencies have already been handled by the other
applications packaging. As long as they all work well together that
Of course scientists may just want to use the science section of the
Note you probably want Universe, Main includes 2 applications, both
KDE based. (3 packages but one is data for one of the others).
- Andy
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