[ubuntu-uk] New screencast on installing updates

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Thu Nov 9 20:51:30 GMT 2006

On Thu, Nov 09, 2006 at 08:43:03PM +0000, Martin Fitzpatrick wrote:
> On 09/11/06, Alan Pope <alan at popey.com> wrote:
> > On Thu, Nov 09, 2006 at 07:59:05PM +0000, alan c wrote:
> > Cool, don't forget to make suggestions as to what you think should go in them. I'm basically
> > working through my own list, but if anyone suggests *simple* topics for recording I'll consider
> > it.
> How about a How-To Screencast on how to create a screencast?


> <geek>Mmmm. Recursive screencasting.</geek>

Watch it the Hashlugradio guys will turn and start shouting "Meta!" at you :)

> Seriously though, it might come in handy for the rest of us to give it a shot?

Yeah. It should be top of the list really, along with how to play them back. Needs a little 
planning, so will have stab at it maybe at the weekend. To be honest this one is probably best 
done as a how-to with oodles of screenshots rather than a video. It's going to get awfully messy 
recording a recording.

> Out of interest, as a KDE user am I excluded from producing this (or
> should I start doing Kubuntu-specific ones?)

Not at all! I only know gnome or should that be "gnow gnome"? As such I don't think I could 
speak authoritatively about Kubuntu/Xubuntu/Edubuntu. So by all means give it a shot, this is by 
no means a one-man operation.

>  Do we want more than one voice?

I guess it doesn't matter does it?

I have set myself some standards, I'm a *bit* of a perfectionist when it comes to these 
screencasts, so from my point of view I know what I would do and what I would like. But it's 
not my "show", it's a community effort, I just happen to have made the first one. I would like 
nothing more than a bunch of other people to do this. 

So long as the result is clear and understandable I don't think it matters who does the 

> Or are you the "Voice of Ubuntu-UK"!?  Glamorous.

Better than being the "Voice of the balls" I guess (national lottery reference).

> I like this group, things get done. Long may it continue.



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