[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Edgy Disks

Andy stude.list at googlemail.com
Fri Nov 3 17:36:35 GMT 2006

On 03/11/06, alan c <aeclist at candt.waitrose.com> wrote:
> note1:
> Is there something I am missing here - login - when I login I get
> taken to my own page, but how do I then actually get back to the page
> I wanted to access to start with? If I use the browser Back button, I
> am not logged in.....

Have you tried using back to go back to the page you wanted, then
hitting refresh?
If the wiki uses cookies only then this will probably work

> Also - logout - What is th egeneral way of logging out? it seems
> devilishly difficult to find a logout link.

Essy, click 'user preferances' (near top right) there should be a
form, scroll to the bottom of it, there should be 2 buttons, save and
logout, click logout to log out.

- Andy

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