[ubuntu-uk] Re: Functions of this list

Andy Ferguson clupea.rufus at gmail.com
Tue May 2 16:34:16 BST 2006

On Tue, 2006-05-02 at 16:06 +0100, Matthew East wrote:

> Introducing ourselves is a nice idea. 

Yes it is.

I live in Birmingham and work for a university, providing first level IT
support and training, and user documentation. I use Ubuntu on a Thinkpad
laptop and two desktops (one for email, internet and multimedia, one
that runs my blog and a few websites), and also help look after an
Ubuntu-powered Moodle server that is currently being used by several
classes in a local secondary school. 

I use Ubuntu for writing web pages, manuals and presentations for work,
as well as email, software development (largely customisations of linux
distributions tailored towards specific projects), and watching
DVDs/listening to my ever growing music collection.

My involvement in Ubuntu is not as great as I would like, but I'm
overclocked time-wise at present. I answer support requests on
Launchpad, answer a few email queries related to wiki pages and blog
entries I've written. 


Andy Ferguson
Email - teknostatik at tiscali.co.uk 
Jabber/Gmail - clupea.rufus at gmail.com
IRC - clupea_rufus on luminous.uk.eu.darkmyst.org
LJ - http://clupea-rufus.livejournal.com
Wordpress - http://teknostatik.homelinux.com

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