[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Advocacy - CharityFair [Scanned]

Adrian Mitchell AMitchell at dsc.org.uk
Mon Mar 13 10:13:10 GMT 2006

Hi Paul

I can find out - give me a day or so to root through my old paperwork.


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Sladen [mailto:ubuntu at paul.sladen.org] 
Sent: 11 March 2006 11:40
To: British Ubuntu Talk
Subject: RE: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Advocacy - CharityFair [Scanned]

On Fri, 10 Mar 2006, Adrian Mitchell wrote:

Hello Adrian,

> I did attend a short (1 hour) session at last years Charityfair that 
> was billed as an introduction to Linux for the voluntary sector - and 
> used Ubuntu as it's example.

Do you have some more details on this, it sounds like the type of event
it would be good to arrange a larger presence at.

Britain is just cold, in a pesky way.  Nottingham, GB

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