[ubuntu-uk] more video clips etc

Nik Butler nik at butlershouse.co.uk
Sat Dec 16 10:35:55 GMT 2006

Alan Pope wrote:
> Ubuntuclips do a similar thing to quickones however they have very clear
> constraints on the video size (in resolution) [2] which I do not agree
> with. I believe that real newbies need "start to finish" tutorials
> showing them everything they need to do a task. I don't believe that
> showing a portion of the desktop is enough, all mine are full screen
> (1024x768).
The feedback I have had from new users and recent Ubuntu Interested 
parties has been these have been some of the best examples of how to get 
things done in Ubuntu and Gnome in a long while and I for one vote on 
full screen and start to end. However since some may be bandwidth 
impaired I guess we really need to talk about getting these out on the 
covers of magazines as well.

> I set the site up after the Ubuntu-UK meeting at the LinuxWorld Expo and
> after seeing numerous screencasts online which (in my humble opinion)
> sucked in one way or another. They had some or all of:- no audio track,
And to me thats another great example of stuff the UKTeam is getting 
done from discussion to end delivery. So yes please keep doing this

> Should I change that? Should I make the videos not mention Ubuntu-UK?
> Should this not be an Ubuntu-UK project? I don't know, feedback welcome
> though.
I think the arguement is valid in either direction and so I vote that we 
should be using the opportunity to establish this Teams contributions.

> Maybe we should add this to the agenda of the next Ubuntu-UK meeting so
> people can have their say "officially"?
Sounds good to me to  .


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