[ubuntu-uk] Software Freedom Day Motion in Scottish Parliament (Patrick Harvie MSP, Greens)

David Marsh's listreading hat lists2005 at viewport.ukfsn.org
Thu Sep 8 17:23:20 CDT 2005

FYI: A motion has been lodged in the Scottish Parliament supporting
Software Freedom Day by Patrick Harvie MSP (Green; Glasgow region), text

[Source: http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/sch/motions
Select "Session 2" in MotionID->Session.
Enter "3236" into the MotionID->List field.

(It is not clear whether it is possible to give a direct URL)]



S2M-03236 - Software Freedom Day

That the Parliament congratulates the organisers of Software Freedom Day
for working to highlight the Free and Open Source Software movement;
notes that a Software Freedom Day event will take place in Edinburgh on
Saturday 10 September 2005 at which members of the public will be able
to try free and open source software such as Ubuntu, OpenOffice and
Firefox for themselves; recognises the benefits which could exist for
the public sector in making greater use of such products, including
those produced by Scottish software developers; further recognises that
free and open source software is founded on principles with important
political concepts which have the potential for application to other
areas of society and the economy, and urges the Scottish Executive to
examine the scope for free and open source software throughout the
public sector.

Patrick Harvie MSP 
Green Group

Room MG.15, Scottish Parliament 
Edinburgh, EH99 1SP

Studio 6, St George's Studios 
St George's Road, Glasgow, G3 6JA

0131 348 6365 / 0141 332 6405 
patrick.harvie.msp at scottish.parliament.uk 

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