[ubuntu-uk] Re: Bug 12168 Needs a British English Speaker.

Sitsofe Wheeler sitsofe at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 4 16:47:10 CDT 2005

Ralph Corderoy wrote:

> http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=12168 picks up on some
> incorrectly spelt words in aspell's British English dictionary.  I
> opened it, and Mark Florian has added a couple more.


Oh no, not another dictionary :-/ What a shame we can't standardise around
one dictionary to look up misspelled words...

Anyway a MASSIVE amount of work was (and still is) put into the Britsh
myspell dictionary - http://en-gb.pyxidium.co.uk:32080/dictionary/ . It has
been stripped of Americanisms (to the point where I learned that some words
I thought were British were actually American!) and has proven very
reliable over the years (it is probably the definitive British open source
dictionary list). It should be a simple job to check words against that to
see if they are "British" or not. The OED is used as the standard when in

Oh btw, panellist/panelist are in the Online Oxford English dictionary for
what it is worth.

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